Ethnobotanical knowledge of the province of Huíla (Angola): a contribution based on the field records of the collector José Maria Daniel

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Francisco M. P. Gonçalves
Júlia Elizabeth Tchamba
Fernanda Maria Oliveira Pires Lages
José Luís Mateus Alexandre


Herbarium do Lubango, José Maria Daniel, medicinal plants, Huíla providence


The present study aims to disclose the life and work of the collector José Maria Daniel, regarding the ethnobotanical knowledge of Huíla Province. Excerpts of his life and professional career are part of his auto-biography, while the information on the use of plants are in notebooks and field notes of JMD found in the archives of the Herbarium of Lubango. This information was organized and introduced in an Excel spreadsheet, constituting a total of 787 records of several plants, corresponding to 158 species, from which 57 are used medicinally, while the remaining were referred as ornamental, forage, toxic or poisonous, food and condiments. These information were organized according to family, genus and species to which the plants belong, following by the uses attributed to them and form of utilization, constituting a significant contribution to the dissemination of the floristic knowledge of the region and the uses of plants by their populations.

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