The Use of LWC's in Mozambican Music

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Cremildo G. Bahule


LWC, Mozambican Music, Language


Taking the example of the Kudumba discs of the Ghorwane band, Yellela de Eyuphuru and Katchume de Kapa Dêch, it is possible to perceive the connection between native languages and the idea of Mozambican identity. However, musicians seek new aesthetic-sonic horizons, emigrate to regions where their musical production is accepted and generate profit, and insert new languages into music, with the aim of opulating and evolving Mozambican music. In this line of evolution, musicians feel the need to not only use native Mozambican languages, but to experience the use of "other" languages. Therefore, the use of LWC [Language of Wider Communication] or "broader languages of communication" or "international languages" such as English, French, Portuguese – although this language is well-rooted or historicized in Mozambique.

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