Published: 2021-04-19

Biodiversity is gaining more and more importance on the international scene. In the era of climate change and sustainable development this is a central theme. The sustainable exploitation of biodiversity allows the development of communities in a balanced way based on diverse resources and activities, making them more resilient to adverse impacts of both economic and climatic origin.

This volume of the RILP magazine celebrates biological diversity in the CPLP space and, at the same time, is an alert for the need to invest in its study and conservation. The articles now assembled, and the curriculum of their authors, prove that there are Portuguese-speaking competences for this existential task. And the planet Earth, and the vastness of its occupants, thank you for all the attention you can give. We intend to give an overview of what is done in Portuguese-speaking countries in terms of biodiversity studies. We are driven on a trip that begins in the Cufada lagoons in Guinea-Bissau, alternating between Angola and Timor-Leste, passing through Brazil and Portugal, to end in the sea of ​​Mozambique.


Presentation: Biodiversity (I)

Isabel Marques da Silva
Abstract 367 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 333

Page 11-12

Presentation: Biodiversity (II)

Carlos Francisco Gonçalves Aguiar
Abstract 505 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 275

Page 13-14

Cufada Lakes Natural Park, Guinea-Bissau. Challenges, threats and perspectives

Luís Catarino
Abstract 1254 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 1502

Page 17-30

Endangered plants in Angola - current status

Esperança da Costa, Tomásia Adão, Sílvia Catarino, Manuela Paula Constantino Pedro, Maria Romeiras
Abstract 2520 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 2963

Page 31-43

Amazon rainforest: looking at the environmental discourses and the Brazilian politics

Clécia Lima Ferreira, Maria Luiza Figueiredo Heine
Abstract 581 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 335

Page 45-60

Evaluation of the entomofauna diversity depending on sampling techniques in an orchard in the south of Bahia

Eva Carla Lobo, Natália Rampelotto Santi, Luciane Ayres-Peres, Thiago Della Nina Idalgo
Abstract 716 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 720

Page 69-82

Ethnobotanical knowledge of the province of Huíla (Angola): a contribution based on the field records of the collector José Maria Daniel

Francisco M. P. Gonçalves, Júlia Elizabeth Tchamba, Fernanda Maria Oliveira Pires Lages, José Luís Mateus Alexandre
Abstract 1566 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 3366

Page 83-102

Fitodiversity in East Timor: list of medicinal plants associated with traditional practices

José Pinto Casquilho, José Sabino Xavier
Abstract 1780 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 1599

Page 103-132

Contribution to the knowledge of the plant communities of Welwitschia mirabilis (Welwitschiaceae, Gnetophyta) from the Namib Desert (Angola)

João Cardoso, João Paulo Fonseca, Carlos Aguiar, Frédéric Bioret, José Carlos Costa
Abstract 1337 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 311

Page 133-149

Biodiversity of the Portuguese autochthonous swine Porco Alentejano (Sus ibericus)

António Rosário Oliveira, Anabela Durão, Fátima Carvalho
Abstract 2760 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 1256

Page 151-166

Biodiversity of molluscs from the area in between tides of the city of Pemba (Mozambique)

Bibiana Américo Fernando Nassongole, Isabel Marques da Silva, Victor Quintino, Manuel Malaquias
Abstract 1833 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 1181

Page 167-179