Presentation For an ethics, aesthetics and poetics of the Arts in the Portuguese Language Community, but not only

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Paulo Morais-Alexandre
Maria do Carmo de Freitas Veneroso



This edition does not intend to achieve uniform analysis or themes, considering that the very different speeches that are presented are enriching, as well as the manifest differences between researchers. It was possible to verify, even in the scientific review phase, that there is a multiplicity of possible approaches to Art, but always with a common denominator: quality. The most difficult, but on the other hand more fruitful of the edition, is to put very different articles in dialogue, but it is considered that this has been achieved. This edition results in the action and interaction of a significant number of researchers and professors from higher education institutions and Portuguese-speaking research units. In such a rich and varied discussion space, with such differentiated analyzes and research, the pertinent question remains whether, in this wealth of very diverse identities, with multiple denominators, there will be one that is common and allows us to affirm that there is also a way of thinking about Art in Portuguese.

Abstract 345 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 374


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