Search for identity through images: I don't live here anymore

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Marta Cordeiro


identity; body; Ugo Rondinone; image.


The article seeks to contextualize the human as a" divided being” - between the totality and the lack; between body and mind - and discuss the idea of contemporary identity as a project. It uses Paul Ricoeur's hypothesis regarding a possible "narrative identity", made of sameness and ipseity, and associates the construction of identity with the construction of appearance / body. For this, it analyzes the construction routes of the subjects in the contemporaneity. Discusses the work of the plastic artist Ugo Rondinone in the series I Don't Live Here Anymore (series of photographs in which the face of the artist is added to the bodies of models, taken from the images that circulate in the media) as a possibility of metaphor about the search of identity construction, and points out the possibilities of the image as a permanent search engine of this identity construction.

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