Review of four manuals currently available for the teaching Portuguese as a foreign language

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Ana Nunes
Maria Isabel Matos


textbooks; portuguese as a foreign language; teaching methodologies; communicative competence.


Despite the new technological resources for teaching foreign languages, the textbook is still a privileged instrument; it guides the contents of the syllabus, the competences to be developed, and allows to monitor the progress of learning. Textbooks have acquired new responsibilities for their users. The times, challenges and demands have changed. Teaching language content is not enough. A textbook has to be a facilitator of the skills development and its choice should be cautious. Four teaching Portuguese as foreign language textbooks have been analyzed, and it is observed that they all emphasize the study of grammar and present different activities concerning communication development skills, being more engaged with new pedagogical approaches, therefore more attractive. However, one may clearly notice that they still keep a traditional plan and layout and do not consider the use of new technologies. 

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