Presentation: Arts & Music

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Maria do Carmo de Freitas Veneroso
Paulo Morais-Alexandre



The discussion on the relations between the arts has continued in contemporary times and, increasingly, the arts have been brought together and related, and the dissolution of borders between them has given rise to hybrid, thought-provoking works. Dialogues between the arts have often been crossed by transdisciplinary relationships. Thus, this issue of RILP provides a comprehensive view of what has been done in Portuguese-speaking countries, in relation to the arts and in the sense of bringing them together, often through crossings with other disciplines. The articles gathered in this magazine result in a comprehensive selection of works from Angola, Brazil, Mozambique and Portugal that will certainly contribute to the continuity of exchanges between the Portuguese-speaking community, crossing borders and increasing these relationships. It should also be noted that issues 37 and 38 of this International Journal in Portuguese Language were produced through a collaboration between the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon and the Federal University of Minas Gerais, which further strengthens the ties between the two institutions.

Abstract 374 | PDF (Portuguese) Downloads 309


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