Organists and organizers: mutual influences between Frei José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) and António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1756-1828)

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João Vaz


organ, registration, portugal, ancien régime, Marques e Silva, Machado e Cerveira.


Professional relations between composers and instrument makers were a constant throughout music history and the connection between the type of organ developed in Portugal (especially in the region of Lisbon) during the turn of the 18th century and a specific repertoire produced in the same area and period has been already pointed out. Frei José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) was organist at the Bemposta Chapel, where António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1765-1828) built an organ in 1792. The musical writing of Marques e Silva makes extended use of the idiosyncrasies of Cerveira's instruments and it is highly probable that the organist of the Queen's chapel and the Royal organ builder would have met. The analysis of several works by Marques e Silva suggests a mutual influence: not only is the music of Marques e Silva clearly intended for the the organs of Cerveira, but also some specific features of the instruments seem to have been created at the composer's request.

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