Literature and music: indissoluble union

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Solange Ribeiro de Oliveira


Melopoetics; theories of musico-literary relations; a typology of musico-literary relations; Brazilian and European compositions; themes for future research.


As part of Melopoetics_ defined as the study of different forms of relations between Literature and Music_ the essay discusses theories and typologies put forth by critics like Steven Paul Scher, Werner Wolf, Paul Zumthor, Susanne Langer, Luis Tatit and Claus Clüver, among others. Starting from three classificatory axes_ Music in Literature, Literature in Music, Literature and Music_ a number of possible relations between the two arts are analyzed. By way of complementation, the text considers certain Brazilian and European musical creations, selected as illustrative of the themes dealt with. Realizing the existence of significant aspects of Melopoetics still unexplored, the article ends up with a suggestion of themes especially instigating for future research, such as the genesis of intermediality, functions of intermediatic relations, the figure of the composer/author and of the listener/reader and the compilation of a dictionary of musico-literary relations.

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