The reinvention of Maculatures by Lotus Lobo

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Nara Firme Braga


appropriation; archeology of technique; enlarged engraving; contemporary engraving; intertextuality; word and image relationships.


In this article I aim to present “The Maculatures” (Original Title: As Maculaturas), an art work by Brazilian artist Lotus Lobo. In the past, maculature was the name given to tinplate sheets used for both testing and adjusting product packaging prints in commercial lithographic printing presses. These sheets received multiple print marks of various kinds, causing a tangle of overlapping images. From the study by Hans Belting named as “The Archeology of Technique”, I will evaluate how Lotus, by appropriating “The Maculatures” and lithography (highlighting again this old printing technique), transforms lithography itself into art. Based on the reflections of Roland Barthes and Maria do Carmo de Freitas Veneroso, I will analyze the intertextual character of “The Maculatures”, exploring the relationships between word and image, based on the "graphic texture". Finally, I will relate Lotus Lobo’s “The Maculatures” with American artist Robert Rauschenberg’s works, with the Italian artist Mimmo Rotella's Décollage, and with the ancient writings of the palimpsestos.

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