The Importance of health communication

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Paulo Sérgio Nunes dos Santos
António Maria Salvado Coxito Granado
Henrique Girão


formation, health communication, institutional communication, Medical School, science communication


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, briefly, the paths to be taken by science communication, more specifically by health communication, in institutional terms and in the context of a Medical school. It is understood that this area has been devalued, but it presently takes on an enormous preponderance in the sense of a responsibility on the part of society, since it is the link between the scientific community and the non-specialized public. Thus, following some recent trends, it is proposed that a Medical School should not neglect this area of study, but rather reinforce the bet, based on four fundamental values- training, civic education, promotion and outreach, and innovation and research-, forming better professionals and bringing society closer to the research made.

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