Anxiety in times of COVID-19: A comparative study between the cities Lubango and Tômbwa

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Velózia Munginga Camenhe Pereira da Silva


Anxiety; COVID-19; cities


The aim of this study is to compare the opinion of the participants on the impact of the new pandemic (COVID-19), which devastates the world in general, on their lives and on the lives of other people, as well as the behavior of individuals during the 2-month period. of confinement (quarantine) that Angola lived. Also, understand their psychological state using the State-Trace Inventory of Anxiety (STAI-Y) by Spielberger (1983). One hundred individuals from the city of Lubango participated in the study, of which 39 are male and 61 female and 101 from the city of Tômbwa, 40 male and 61 female. The results show that both participants from the city of Lubango and Tômbwa consider COVID-19 to be very dangerous for their health and for the health of others. As for the reason why they left home, respondents from the city of Lubango indicated for shopping for other reasons and those from the city of Tômbwa, for the most part, indicated for work. It is concluded that the relationship between the city and the variables on COVID-19 was non-significant for almost all of them, constituting an exception with the variables “how many times did you leave home” and “how the relationships have been”. The analysis of the relationship between socio-demographic variables (gender, age and cities) and the items of total state and trait anxiety were non-significant except for
the age variable, showing that the anxiety of the subjects in the sample changed as a function of age. Regarding the relationship between the variables on COVID-19 and the items of totals and state and trait anxiety, almost all were equally non-significant, except for the variable “relations at home”.

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