A critical look at Educational Psychology facing COVD-19 and its impact on mental health

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Ademar de Jesus João Neves https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8646-3860



This article is exploratory, explanatory and qualitative, using the Bibliographic, Dialectic and Analytical-Synthetic methods. The problem definition is: How to minimize the psychological effects of COVID-19 that cause risk behaviors for mental health? The contribution of Psychology to COVID-19 will be reflected as a methodological instrument for prevention and primary mental
health care, avoiding the appearance of dangerous behaviors that originate norms or diseases of normality accepted by most people, more than in fact such normotic behaviors generate torture, pain, suffering, forced isolation and death due to exaggerated social phobia caused by the pandemic. Human life begins and ends in the psyche, the psyche is a source of good and evil, health and disease, disgrace and happiness, understanding and misunderstanding. For Plato, Man has a
rational, sensitive and vegetative soul. It means that health, disease, depends on what we think, feel and eat.

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