Bê-á-Bá Digital: promoting connectivity and digital inclusion

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Giovana Diniz de Oliveira Bonetti https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8991-724X
Claudia Giuliano Bica https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6763-6631


elderly, social distancing, digital inclusion, connectivity


The Covid-19 pandemic has become great adversity for all, and it has particularly affected the elderly, part of the high-risk groups of the disease. To stem the spread of coronavirus is necessary to respect social distancing, in which contact must be reduced and kept virtually with family and friends. So, we present a book that facilitates connectivity for the elderly population in social distancing through digital inclusion. We sought to meet requirements for accessibility about content and form
throughout the book’s development (such as language, diagrams, and color contrast), adapting it specifically to the elderly population. As a result, in October 2020, we published the book Bê-á-Bá Digital. It had more than 5.000 downloads, and the elderly had 8.500 physical copies of the material distributed. This work has come with urgency, presenting solutions to immediate challenges related to social distancing and collaborating to long-lasting problems such as digital exclusion.

Abstract 294 | pdf (Portuguese) Downloads 160


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