Medical professionalism: a permanent challenge in medical education

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Eliane Pedra Dias
Maria Amélia Ferreira


professionalism; non-professional behavior; medical education


Professionalism represents a set of values, behaviors and responsibilities applied to patient care. The awareness of Faculty on students’ perceptions of these values is core in medical education. The objective of this study was to obtain a written statement of 1st year medical students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal. At the beginning and at the end of a seminar on Professionalism, students were asked to send by e-mail two or four words, respectively, associated with professionalism and non-professional behavior. We received 368 words, being associated with professionalism at the beginning: responsability, competence, ethics. At the end, the more frequent words were: compassion (1 word at the beginning), thrust, competence. Among the non-professional, lack of empathy rose from 5% to 42%. Differences were demonstrated in students’perceptions, before and after the presentation. This shows the importance of a transversal approach on professionalism in medical education

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