Non-Formal Education: Communicational Representativeness of Black Deaf Subjects and Their Political Contributions

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Rafael Dias Silva


deaf, museums, communication, non-formal education, politics, inclusion


Racial issues and their struggles find a parallel with issues related to people with disabilities, when we think about their struggles, the lack of representation, of opportunities make up a context of discrimination present in many societies. The black deaf community has been politically organizing as a minority, drawing attention to its guidelines with the aim of increasing communicational accessibility to non-formal education spaces, such as museums. The non-formal education spaces have a high representation to deconstruct the integration system that insists on permanence in our society. As a goal, we need to defend inclusive education, aimed at welcoming and quality learning for all, and we must always be vigilant so that the accessibility policy in our country is on the government agenda, ensuring that inclusion takes place in our society. Nothing about us without us enters the agenda of discussions and reflections in the area of human sciences, strengthening the foundations of modem society in order to transform an excluding modus operandi through new paradigms and representations of the "other" marked by its cultural and cultural plurality. identity. 

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