Media and Image of Tourist Destinations - A Literature Review

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Mónica Marina Pires Lobo


communication, tourism, communicate destination, destination image


The growth of tourism at a global level offers opportunities and challenges to tourist destinations. Currently, they are one of the great challenges of tourist destinations and retaining tourists. In this sense, it is vital that they adopt effective communication strategies because the information transmitted through the different channels or means of communication is what feeds the image of a tourist, who has become a source of impact for their attractiveness and competition. Therefore, the objective of this review article is to investigate how the literature approaches the relationship between the media and the image of tourist destinations in the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. For this, the bibliography in the Scopus and Web of Science databases was used. The research carried out allowed us to conclude that, within the scope of the image of tourist destinations in the CPLP, several themes are addressed, however, there is a scarcity of literature on the relationship between the media and the image of tourist destinations. Future research is expected to address this issue with a longer time horizon and in different databases.

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