"The Arrival" Poststructuralist: Cinema and Theory of International Relations

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Gabriella Keren Silva Amaral
João Pedro Carvalho Bettin
Letícia Buzá Ferreira


audio-visual, international relations, language, post-structuralism, science fiction


This article is based on the importance of the theoretical study of International Relations and how audiovisual resources, such as films, can contribute to this. In this sense, the proposal of the text consists of an analysis of the film "Arrival", from 2016, anchored in poststructuralist considerations in the theory of International Relations. Thus, the film and theoretical statements by David Campbell were mobilized, as well as some concepts from Linguistics, with the aim of articulating media and theory. In this way, it is possible to deepen the knowledge of such theoretical debate from a fictitious case, allowing the approximation of theory and possibilities of interpretation in a given scenario. Furthermore, it reinforces the importance of the audiovisual as an assistance in the teaching and training of future analysts of International Relations, since this resource promotes potentialities that stimulate the use of theory in the most diverse situations.

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