The teaching-learning Portuguese foreign language a study focused on the perspectives of Chinese learners

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Francisco Pelicano Antunes


Chinese learner, teaching-learning culture, teaching Portuguese as a foreign language, perspectives on teaching and learning


To reflect on traditional teaching methodologies and pedagogical practices (or on those that are in vogue) is essential to know and adapt teaching to the specificities of a foreign language learner - to frame and better understand on their preferences, posture and attitudes in the classroom. In intercultural educational contexts, only an enlightened view of the teacher about his students will allow him/her to adopt strategies and propose activities suitable to the learning success and avoid potential conflicts of perspectives in the classroom. Chinese students are traditionally passive, shaped by predominantly expository teaching practices centered on the teacher and founded on the grammar-translation method. The results of this work, based on a survey focused on the informants' perspectives on teaching and learning, suggest that Chinese foreign language learners, although indelibly attached to their cultural identity matrix, reveal receptivity and adaptability to other teaching paradigms.

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