Water uses in Angola: a look at rural communities
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uses of water, rural communities, sustainability, central highland, Angola
Water is a natural resource and is subject to significant pressure from poor management in agriculture, aquaculture, energy production, and industry, which is further amplified by anthropogenic climate change. To reflect on the use of water in rural communities in Angola’s Central Plateau, an exploratory study was conducted based on a literature review of articles from Google Scholar, Scielo, ScienceDirect, and Springer databases, as well as relevant reports and decrees. The results indicate that ecosystem degradation is the primary cause of reduced water availability for the rural population. It was concluded that, although the Angolan government has expressed concern about ensuring access to water and sanitation, the absence of basic infrastructure and the lack of an organized and up-to-date database have prevented the development of public policies that ensure adequate water management in rural areas.
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