Cape Verdean seen by Cape Verdeans or Contribute to a Reading of the Linguistic Situation in Cape Verde

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Mário Augusto do Quinteiro Vilela


linguistic photography, creole, variants, Cape Verde


This article intends, on the one hand, to be a contribution to a reading of the linguistic situation in Cape Verde and, on the other, to give greater visibility to the debate which European, Brazilian and North American linguists are having on the dilemma which the present Cape Verde generation is experiencing. The problems are to be found in the question of the statute of Portuguese and of Cape Verdian, in the question of the ‘officialization’ of the language of the land and in the question of the ‘variant’ of creole to be chosen. The present situation is one of bilinguism and not of diglossia: either of the languages is spoken in all situations and in all places.

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