Evaluation of the Home Care Service in Maranguape - Ceará: A Look at the Perspective of Users, Professionals and Service Managers

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Cleovânia Fontenele dos Santos
Jadson Franco


health care, home care, humanization


This article aimed to evaluate the home care service of the municipality of Maranguape through the perception of users, professionals and managers of the service. A descriptive study of a qualitative approach, with data collection in the months of November and December of 2016 was performed, with a semi-structured instrument and individual interviews. The chosen method of analysis was the content of the discourse, classified by categories. Home care service is seen as a different and expanded form of care; with effective practices of integral attention. User embracement analysis of the service pointed out that the first contact should have a qualified listening. It is noted that financing is a critical point for the execution of quality service and the deficiency in the structure makes it difficult to guarantee access. The perception of the home as a health recovery space facilitates the bonds and co-responsibilities. It is recommended that professionals and managers seek appropriate tools to incorporate new techniques.

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