SUS: An Economic-Financial Analysis

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Yuri Gurgel Borba
Luis Carlos de Barros Loureiro


beconomic and financial analysis, health policy, public health


With the constitution of 1998 the healthcare service in Brazil became a government responsibility, providing citizens a variety of rights to guarantee their quality of life. Looking to assure the constitutional rights it was created the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS). With a proposal of universal, integral, and equal healthcare, and the financial support provided by the federal, state, and local government to assure the required supplies for a proper operation, emerges a complex and onerous system. After about 30 years of operation the system efficiency is continually contested giving rise to the present study that aims to evaluate the economic-financial viability of the currently Unified Health System. It was done a literature review in the legal and historical basis of the country, and an analysis of the financial investments in the healthcare system of Rio das Ostras – RJ. From the analyses of the obtained data it was confirmed that the SUS is essential to certain areas and micro-populations, however, the system still demands more investments and preventive measures, as well as a technical and scientific administration with transparency and commitment.

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