Knowledge, attitudes and practices of university students Angolans on HIV/AIDS

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Isabel Sobral
Alfredo Bastos
Marli Stela Santana


knowledge; attitudes; practices; HIV/AIDS; university students; Angola.


The mistaken knowledge about HIV transmission, treatment and conduct in the face of HIVpositive status generates risky behaviors capable of reinforcing the increase in AIDS cases. The main objective of the study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of students at the Catholic University of Angola, regarding the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission. The research was carried out with 275 students. It was observed that the higher the level of education, the possibility of HIV testing increases (p = 0,001), with an increase in the possibility of accepting living with someone who is HIV-positive (p = 0,01), but the possibility of the individual decreasing having an HIV positive partner (p = 0,02). Thus, most students demonstrated to have an adequate knowledge about the transmission of HIV, but there are daily attitudes and practices, capable of influencing risk behaviors in the maintenance of the spread of HIV/AIDS.

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