Postcoloniality and (dis)related linguistic places in teaching in rural Angola (in)visibilities on Screen

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Ezequiel Pedro José Bernardo


Postcoloniality, Angola, Languages, Disconnectivity, Teaching


Colonization in Angola served, among other purposes, for the “cafrication” of national languages and hegemonization of the Portuguese language. In that light, postcoloniality should promote a democratic school environment, this being the way to achieve equity in a country of linguistic and cultural diversity that had been forced to adopt homogeneous, disconnected and invisible paradigms. The article seeks to reflect on the linguistic and cultural places in teaching in designated rural areas, in order to understand the issues of students' invisibilities in a post-colonial context through the bibliographic review associated with the interview of two teachers in order to understand how the teaching in those locations. It is guided by “de-westernization” through the statute of national languages, redefinition of linguistic-educational policies, since language and culture are inseparable elements that mirror the worldview of their societies.

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